Allograft application of Regenative Labs AmnioText™ demonstrated to accelerate wound closure time. PENSACOLA, Fla. , Sept. 22, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Regenative Labs, a leading HCT/P manufacturer, has authored a peer-reviewed case study outlining the benefits of dehydrated amniotic membrane allografts (DAMA) in the treatment of advanced venous leg ulcers caused by chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). Regenative Labs (PRNewsfoto/Regenative Labs) CVI is a lifelong, moribund, and debilitating disease with tremendous personal and financial costs. At its core, CVI involves blood pooling in the lower extremities secondary to inadequate venous blood return. As venous circulation slows, metabolic demands of the cells in the lower extremities increase, leading to stasis dermatitis, infection, cellular death, and venous ulceration. Treatment expenses can range from $20 for Neosporin and bandages to $80,000 for lower limb amputation. Regenative's study outlines a p...