Why It's Finally Time To Ditch Your Skinny Jeans - Glam

Ever taken off tight jeans after a long day, only to slouch on the couch and immediately be assaulted by back pain? There's a reason for that, and your postural habits might be less to blame than oh, say, your beloved skinny jeans.
That's right, your skinny jeans could be contributing to the back pain you loathe being greeted by every evening. Long Island Spine Specialists says that tight clothing restricts your range of motion, which will cause the restricted part of the body to become stiff and other parts to overcompensate. This means if you're a regular skinny jeans wearer, you might notice discomfort in your lower and upper back when you take them off.
But why? Your lower back (the part restricted by the jeans), will feel stiff from not having moved all day. Meanwhile, your middle/upper back will feel sore from overcompensating, since they were making up for your immobile lower back all day. If you deal with this kind of pain regularly, see if foregoing the skinny jeans for a few days helps relieve it. If so, you might want to make the switch permanent.
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