circle of willis aneurysm :: Article CreatorWhat To Know About An Atrial Septal Aneurysm
Atrial septal aneurysm means that there is a bulge in the interatrial septum. It may not present with symptoms, but can occur alongside other heart problems that cause heart or breathing symptoms.
The interatrial septum is a wall of tissue that separates the left and right atria of the heart. A doctor may uncover an interatrial septal aneurysm, which cardiologists also call an atrial septal aneurysm (ASA), while looking for something else. Many people live normal lives with this condition, especially if the aneurysm is small.
However, it has links with patent foramen ovale, which can increase the risk of stroke and arterial embolisms. Embolisms occur when something, often a blood clot, gets into the bloodstream and blocks an artery. ASA may also occur alongside other heart abnormalities.
It can occur in children and adults, and doctors consider it a congenital anomaly.
This article will explain what an ASA is, its symptoms, causes, and treatment.
The heart's two upper chambers, known as the atria, pump blood into the ventricles. The atrial septum is a thin layer of tissue that divides them, preventing blood from flowing between the two atria.
The right atrium receives deoxygenated blood, while the left receives oxygenated blood. The septal wall stops the blood from mixing.
A bulge in the atrial septum is an ASA. This can be a defect a baby is born with, or it can develop over time. Sometimes weakness in the septum causes it to bulge. In some cases, an ASA may be a sign of underlying heart disease.
Doctors define ASA as a movement in the septum of 10 millimeters (mm) to either the right or left or a total combined movement of 15 mm.
Researchers classify ASA on the basis of its location and severity:
Type 1R: The bulge enters only the right atrium. Type 2L: The bulge enters only the left atrium. Type 3R: The biggest part of the bulge goes into the right atrium, and the smaller part of the bulge enters the left atrium. Type 4RL: The reverse of type 3RL, which means that a major part of the aneurysm is in the left atrium, with the smaller portion in the right atrium. Type 5: The bulge extends equally into both atria. An ASA can be asymptomatic. A doctor may discover it as part of a routine screening or when looking for something else.
However, ASA can occur alongside other heart defects. When this happens, a person may have other heart or breathing symptoms, such as:
irregular or rapid heart rate trouble breathing, especially with mild exertion such as climbing stairs low energy fatigue other types of cardiovascular health issues Visit our hub to learn more about cardiovascular health.
ASA can be an incidental finding that a doctor discovers while evaluating unrelated symptoms. Doctors believe it to be a congenital condition, meaning it is present at birth. However, it may have an association with the following conditions:
Valve disease: Many different conditions can damage the valves of the heart, including rheumatic heart disease, endocarditis — which is an infection of the heart — heart failure, high blood pressure, and heart attack. Patent foramen ovale: This is a hole in the heart that is present at birth. The heart normally has a hole during fetal development. When it does not close, it causes patent foramen ovale. Other heart conditions: ASA sometimes occurs with other heart conditions, including congenital heart defects and those that damage the heart over time. Treatment depends on whether an ASA causes symptoms. Treatment options include:
Addressing underlying heart disease: This may involve lifestyle changes, blood pressure medication, cholesterol medication, and other management techniques. Closing a patent foramen ovale: This can reduce the risk of stroke and embolism. Blood thinners: These may lower the risk of stroke and embolisms. When ASA is an isolated occurrence and does not cause symptoms, and when it is not the result of an underlying disease, it may not require treatment. A doctor may want to continue to monitor the condition, however.
There is little research on treatment options and an ongoing debate among doctors about whether and when to treat this condition. However, in a person with a history of stroke or heart disease, treatment is usually necessary.
Doctors diagnose ASA by using an echocardiogram. This test visualizes the heart's chambers and allows doctors to measure the deviation of the atrial septum. This helps to confirm the presence of ASA, as well as associated findings such as patent foramen ovale.
Read more about heart tests here.
The outlook for ASA depends on why a person has the condition and their overall health. ASA is congenital but has associations with other heart conditions such as mitral valve disease, patent foramen ovale, and tricuspid valve disease.
The outlook may depend on how big the ASA is. Smaller ASAs have a good outlook, while larger ones related to patent foramen ovale increase a person's risk of stroke and embolism.
Read more about how to improve heart health here.
Diagnosis of a heart defect can be very worrying for a person. ASA may be a relatively benign incidental finding or accompany an underlying heart health issue.
It is important that people with ASA discuss with their doctor the potential causes of their condition and treatment options. Everyone can benefit from exercise, a healthy diet, and other heart health interventions, so people with ASA should implement these lifestyle changes.
Lesson 2: Our Small World

Grades 8-12Subject: Language Arts/CivicsEstimated Time of Completion: six to eight 50-minute periods
Summary Objectives Materials Needed Procedure Classroom Assessment Extensions and Adaptations National Standards Misunderstandings, persecution, and even wars have resulted from a lack of tolerance and respect for those who are different. Helen Keller once said, "The highest result of education is tolerance." Use this lesson to educate your students about tolerance for other cultures and other ideas. Use this plan to open dialogue between your students of different cultures. Invite students to explore indigenous and Native cultures, and promote appreciation for the contributions from these cultures. Use this plan to teach your students about cultural conservation and to bring more understanding about the issues that tribes face today.
The students will understand the role that awareness and sensitivity to differences play in our society. The students will understand differences among people. The students will explore the presence of assumptions, stereotypes and prejudice. The students will identify how intolerance and bias manifest in a person's behaviors. The students will engage in a creative process of generating ideas, drafting, revising, editing and writing on topics concerning tolerance and personal beliefs. The students will be exposed to the history behind storytelling and relating oral histories. The students will develop an appreciation of the contributions from various cultures. Pencil and paper The board and chalk, an overhead and transparency or another presentation device Computer with Internet access LCD projector or another type of computer projection device Music for "It's a Small World" and/or "Circle of Life" A picture of a Native American from a textbook or from the Web (Class 1)
Invite a person from a reservation or a local Native American to speak to the students, to describe his tribe's traditions and culture. If this isn't possible, the teacher might take students on a field trip to a reservation. If neither one of these resources is available skip to the next step. Using a tape or the computer, play the music for "It's a Small World" in the classroom (words and lyrics available at the following link: http://www.Niehs.Nih.Gov/kids/lyrics/smworld.Htm) or "Circle of Life" (words and lyrics available at http://www.Niehs.Nih.Gov/kids/lyrics/circleof.Htm) and have students brainstorm what the phrase "It's a Small World" means. Discuss the "Circle of Life." Students should understand that all things are essential to life. Discuss the results of some animals and their effect on the ecosystem. Hold up a picture of an American Indian. Discuss the picture and what students see and think. Ask about different types of Native Americans. Is the picture representative of all Native Americans? Ask the students to take a guess as to how many different Native American tribes there are. "You have noticed that everything an Indian does is in a circle, and that is because the Power of the World always works in circles, and everything tries to be round. In the old days when we were a strong and happy people, all our power came to us from the sacred hoop of the nation, and so long as the hoop was unbroken, the people flourished. The flowering tree was the living center of the hoop, and the circle of the four quarters nourished it. The east gave peace and light, the south gave warmth, the west gave rain, and the north with its cold and mighty wind gave strength and endurance. This knowledge came to us from the outer world with our religion. Everything the Power of the World does is done in a circle. The sky is round, and I have heard that the earth is round like a ball, and so are all the stars. The wind, in its greatest power, whirls. Birds make their nests in circles, for theirs is the same religion as ours. The sun comes forth and goes down again in a circle. The moon does the same, and both are round.Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing, and always come back again to where they were. The life of a man is a circle from childhood to childhood, and so it is in everything where power moves. Our tepees were round like the nests of birds, and these were always set in a circle, the Nation's hoop, a nest of many nests, where the Great Spirit meant for us to hatch our children."—Black Elk, Oglala Sioux Holy Man, 1863-1950Share this quote with the students. Have students react to it. Do they agree or disagree? Can they think of other circles or references to circles in life? (Examples: band of hope, wheel of fortune, life cycles, Artic Circle, going in a circle, circle of light, circle of friends, Antarctic Circle, crop circle, circling the airport, round table, etc.)
(Class 2)
Divide students into small groups of three to four and assign a particular culture for research. Have the groups of students choose a group of Native Americans from the list below, research their chosen tribe, and then make a presentation to the class. If possible, have the students speak to a Native American from that tribe as a part of their research by finding the tribal headquarters info on the web, calling their offices, and asking for the Tribal Publicity Director (if they have one). Many Native Nation's websites are available at http://www.Nativeculture.Com/lisamitten/nations.Html or at http://www.Hanksville.Org/NAresources/indices/NAnations.Html. Students may also use the Tribal Background information in the Storytellers section of the CIRCLE OF STORIES site http://www.Pbs.Org/circleofstories/ to learn more about the four storytellers' tribes. Have students choose from the following tribes: Hohokam, Mogollon, Anasazi, Navajo, Apache, Pueblo, Shoshone, Lakota, Dakota, Narragansett, Blackfeet, Chippewa, Kaibab-Paiute, Cherokee, Flatheads, Cahuillas, Wyandots, Serranos, Chemehuevis, Choctaw, Mohegan, Seminole or Hopi. The teacher should try to have students choose many different tribes to provide as extensive overview of the Native American as possible. After a suitable time frame, allow groups to present their information to the class. (Research could possibly take two to four days. Make preparation for students to make their presentations during Class Four.) Have students listen to Rosella Archdale discussing her culture in the Storytellers section of the CIRCLE OF STORIES Web site, http://www.Pbs.Org/circleofstories. Explore other coordinating multimedia components from the site. Students should listen to Rosella's tone. She obviously cares about her past. Why do you think her culture means so much to her? It is obvious her memories of food are precious memories. Discuss Native American traditions that are dying out (not just food, but language, crafts, etc.). Discuss other traditions that might die out if they are not protected. Ask students to elaborate on why cultural beliefs and ideas such as food preparation, crafts, and language should not be allowed to disappear completely. Discuss the near extinction of the buffalo. How did this affect the Native American culture? How might that have affected other inhabitants of the land? Discuss the part the buffalo played in the "Circle of Life." Encourage students to see the connection between earth, people, animals, and resources. (Class 3)
Have students listen to the songs of Corbin Harney and his strong feelings of preserving Mother Earth at the CIRCLE OF STORIES Web site, http://www.Pbs.Org/circleofstories. Why do students feel that the indigenous song and dance of tribes needs to be preserved? Have the students ever witnessed such an event? Ask about how they felt to be a part of such a ceremony. Ask about other ceremonies that they might have attended in other cultures. Visit the Cultural Conservancy Web site http://www.Nativeland.Org. This site is run by a Native American nonprofit organization "dedicated to the preservation and revitalization of indigenous cultures and their ancestral lands." Click the link for StoryScape and read about Corbin Harney's Mother Earth songs and how he sings of this precious earth. Pose discussion questions to the students about different points of view on Harney's activist stand in relation to his tribal lands. Focus students on understanding various issues that tribes face today. Encourage students to make a link between what tribes face today and the issues we all face. Have students use the Cultural Conservancy Web site http://www.Nativeland.Org to read about Harney and discover his feelings concerning traditional lands being used as nuclear weapons testing grounds for the last fifty years. Have students write persuasive compositions to argue either for or against this issue. (Class 4)
Students will make their presentations of tribes and indigenous cultures to the class. (see #5) (Class 5)
Students will use the Cultural Conservancy Website http://www.Nativeland.Org to read about other efforts to protect indigenous stories, songs, languages, land, plants, food, medicine, skills and culture of the Native people. Have students brainstorm why this is important. Have students use reference books and the Internet to research what some people are doing to save the culture of these people. Have students listen to Tchin as he discusses his culture at the CIRCLE OF STORIES Web site, http://www.Pbs.Org/circleofstories. Have the students react to his comments about "What I Am." He doesn't want to be called Native American but Narragansett/Sisseka or Blackfeet. Ask students to respond to this comment. Why would a people feel this way? Open a dialogue with students on acceptance of other cultures. Have students respond to one or more of these questions either orally or as journal writing: How much do people judge others by their looks? How much do television and other media affect how people view each other? Discuss your favorite television shows. What values are they teaching? Why do you think people have certain ideas about certain cultures? Do you agree or disagree that we need to be more tolerant of each other? Do you agree or disagree that everyone needs to be involved in cultural conservation and preserving cultures? Why? How are Native Americans portrayed in the media, and how is this similar or different from what they see on the site? How do you think you can teach people to be more tolerant of other cultures? React to this study on tolerance. Do you think you or more or less tolerant now than when you began this lesson? (Class 6)
Have students comment about injustices and intolerance to cultures. Place students in groups of three to four students. Have students pretend that they are a tribe (allow them to choose if they would like). They are faced with the problem that the government is not allowing the tribes to operate their own schools. They want to do this to teach the basics of their culture to ensure that language, stories and such do not become extinct. However, the government is insisting that the students attend public school. Each group should complete the following tasks: First make a list of things you might do to change public and government opinion. What can you use to argue this? (What constitutional amendment would you use to support that your freedoms are being violated?) Write a letter to the legislature to outline your reasons for wanting to run your own schools. Try to imagine the arguments from others about your school. Write down some of their arguments and your answers to them. Draw up a list that would make your school different than a public school. (Example: stressing the native language, different religion, stressing care for "Mother Earth," etc.) (Class 7)
During the stories from the Web site http://www.Pbs.Org/circleofstories Corbin Harney uses some of his native language. "Naraborochi, in my words, that's water," he says. Later, he comments, "Anoso, in my language, that's our mother. Our mother is the one that we're circling on, everything on this earth. That's what it's about, Wanonoawatee, Wanososhy, we all are rotating with our mother." Another culture bearer, Rosella Archdale, uses some of her Native language as she cooks. She says, "Guwa bi mnuna, it means bread, . . . Turnips, the timsula, . . . Corn soup, Washtapi." Share some of this Native American language with the students. Ask the students about the importance of keeping their language alive. Ask students if they know of any words in our English language that was derived from the Native American language. Point out to them the many of our geographical places in the United States derived their names from this language. Allow students to view the Place Names map at the CIRCLE OF STORIES Web site http://www.Pbs.Org/circleofstories/ to explore some of these native words. Focus students on noticing that the location was named for what Native American word or from what tribe. (i.E., "Ponca", Arkansas: the name of a town derived from the Sioux tribal name; meaning "sacred head"; or "Alabama": a Choctaw word meaning "cleaners of thickets." Ask students to find as many words as they can that have originated with other cultures. Have students share their list of words with others with this fun activity. Students should bring their list to class. Ask students to wad the sheet of paper up. Throw it up in the air. As the paper comes down, students should catch a sheet different than the one they threw. Have the students read this list. Have the students again wad the paper and throw it. Again, the students catch a different one and read it. Repeat several times. (Class 8)
As a concluding activity have students share and learn about other cultures by encouraging students to communicate with other students about their culture stories. Use the organization called "Friendship Through Education" http://www.Friendshipthrougheducation.Org). Activity Points (1 to 10)Possible 100(10 pts. Each) Comments 1. Group work/presentation of a Native American group 2. Delivery of presentation:a. Accurate informationb. Articulation, volume, fluency, correct grammarc. Eye contact 3. Participation in group and individual participation in class discussions 4. Persuasive compositions with specific rebuttals with accurate and insightful argument or supportive statements with accurate proof. 5. Written expository composition to compare and contrast "food" thoughts 6. Journal entries on tolerance 7. Small group activities to begin your own school 8. Following classroom guidelines and directions and staying on task 9. Communication with other cultures 10. Overall effectiveness VI. Extensions and Adaptations
Students will write about other people whose lives have played a positive part in impacting the way we view other cultures. (Be sure to examine some of the links on this site http://www.Pbs.Org/circleofstories/ for some examples: Corbin Harney, Tchin, etc.) Have students explore the legal aspects of sexual comments, age discrimination, and other manifestations of intolerance. Research some of the treaties that were signed between Native Americans and our government. Learn the status of those treaties today. Write poems that reflect tolerance for other cultures. Write poems that reflect respect and appreciation for an aspect of nature. Make a list of human rights. What rights do you think have been abused with different cultures? Write a composition to argue or support your thoughts about people being allowed to speak their own language anytime. Should students be required to use English in school? Are their arguments to support being bilingual? Should that be required? Have students respond to these questions as part of classroom journal writing. Create a bulletin board that says "It's a Small World." Display the reports that students did on the different tribes around these words. Have the students to look closely at the "Circle of Life." Here are some other sites to open discussion and explore on the connections of all living things: VII. Relevant National Standards
This lesson addresses the following national content standards found in the McRel Standards Database at http://www.Mcrel.Org/standards-benchmarks/docs/contents.Html
Language Arts
Demonstrates competence in the general skills and strategies of the writing process. Demonstrates competence in the general skills and strategies of the reading process. Uses descriptive language that clarifies and enhances ideas (e.G., establishes tone and mood, uses figurative language, uses sensory images and comparisons, uses a thesaurus to choose effective wording). Uses paragraph form in writing (arranges sentences in sequential order, uses supporting and follow-up sentences, establishes coherence within and among paragraphs). Will write expository compositions (synthesizes and organizes information from first- and second-hand sources, including books, magazines, computer data banks and the community; uses a variety of techniques to develop the main idea {names, describes, or differentiates parts; compares or contrasts; examines the history of a subject; cites an anecdote to provide an example; illustrates through a scenario; provides interesting facts about the subject}; distinguishes relative important facts, data, and ideas; uses appropriate technical terms and notations). Uses strategies to adapt writing for different purposes (to explain, inform, analyze, entertain, reflect, and persuade). Understands the role of the media in addressing social and cultural issues Uses descriptive language that clarifies and enhances ideas (establishes tone and mood, uses figurative language, uses sensory images and comparisons, uses a thesaurus to choose effective wording). Civics
Knows different viewpoints regarding the role and value of diversity in American life. Knows examples of conflicts stemming from diversity, and understands how some conflicts have been managed and why some of them have not yet been successfully resolved. Back to top
Aneurysm: Signs And Symptoms
An aneurysm is an abnormal bulging in the wall of an artery or vein that fills with blood. Arteries are blood vessels that send oxygenated blood from the heart to the rest of the body. Aneurysms can happen in any artery or vein throughout the body, including the brain, heart, intestines, abdomen, and occur when part of the vessel wall is thinned or weakened. Most small aneurysms don't cause any symptoms until they are large, start leaking blood, or ruptures.
Aneurysms can happen at any age but are more common during the ages of 30 to 60. Symptoms depend on where it occurs in the body and how large the aneurysm is. Some common symptoms include sudden headache, pain in the abdomen, neck or chest, blurry vision, skin discoloration, among many others.
Most common aneurysms are typically the size of a small berry. If an aneurysm bursts, symptoms can happen suddenly and require immediate medical attention.
Aneurysm symptoms are based on location and whether the aneurysm is large or has ruptured. Common symptoms you can experience during a aneurysm include: Sudden headache Abdomen or back pain Discoloration of the lower extremities Dizziness Blurry vision Confusion Types of aneurysms are defined by their location. Symptoms will vary on whether the aneurysm has burst, or if it is large and pressing up against other parts of your body. Cerebral Aneurysm Symptoms Cerebral aneurysms occurs in arteries in the brain. They can affect any area of the brain, but they usually form in arteries at the base of the skull. If a cerebral aneurysm becomes large enough it can press up against brain tissue. Pressure on brain nerves caused by a large aneurysm can cause the following symptoms: Pain behind the eyes Paralysis on one side of the face Pupil dilation Drooping eyelids (ptosis) Double vision or blurry vision More severe symptoms can occur if an aneurysm in the brain bursts or leaks blood. This is known as a subarachnoid hemorrhage. The brain damage caused by this type of bleeding is known as a stroke. The primary symptoms of a burst or leaking cerebral aneurysm include: A sudden headache that can last hours or days Double vision Nausea and/or vomiting Neck stiffness Light sensitivity Seizures Loss of consciousness or coma Weakness or paralysis of arms or legs In some cases, death Aortic Aneurysm Symptoms An aortic aneurysm happens in the aorta, the main artery that sends blood away from your heart to the rest of your body. Aortic aneurysms are the most common type of aneurysms. An aneurysm that happens in the chest is known as a thoracic aneurysm, while one that happens below the chest is known as an abdominal aortic aneurysm. Symptoms of thoracic aortic aneurysms include: Abdominal aortic aneurysms are more common than thoracic aneurysm. Symptoms of abdominal aneurysms include: Throbbing pain in the back or side Pain in the groin Pain buttocks or legs Discoloration of lower extremities Popliteal Artery Aneurysm Symptoms This type of aneurysm happens in the popliteal artery, which is one of the major arteries of the leg and is located behind your knee. Most popliteal artery aneurysms are asymptomatic. Symptoms usually present themselves when the aneurysm is enlarged and puts pressure on structures in the leg including nerves and veins. Common popliteal artery aneurysm symptoms include: Leg pain Paresthesia (the feeling of "pins and needles" on your skin) Muscle weakness Thrombosis (blood clots) Pulsating mass in the back of your knee Splenic Artery Aneurysm Symptoms This type of aneurysm happens in the splenic artery, the artery that provides major blood flow into the spleen. Splenic artery aneurysms represent 60 to 70% of aneurysm cases in the visceral arteries, which are the arteries that provide blood to parts of the body like the kidneys, spleen, livers, and intestines. Symptoms of a splenic artery aneurysm are: Abdominal pain that in some cases radiates up to the left shoulder Internal hemorrhage (internal bleeding) Hematemesis (vomiting blood) There are no specific differences in aneurysm symptoms between men and women. However, there are differences in the type of aneurysms that affect men and women. Cerebral aneurysms are more common in women than in men. According to a 2022 review published by the American Heart Association, showed that women have a 1.4 times higher risk of having a brain aneurysm rupture than men. The study, which analyzed the data from 9940 patients, showed that on average, women had larger sized brain aneurysms, increasing the likelihood of bursting. While cerebral aneurysms are more common in women, abdominal aortic aneurysms are more common in men. A 2020 study found that the rate of abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture was higher in men (68%) versus women (32%). This higher rate of abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture was correlated with higher rates of smoking in men. It is important to note that data is limited and more studies need to be done to determine the cause of these sex-based differences. Aneurysm symptoms happen quickly soon after becoming large or bursting. A ruptured aneurysm can cause serious health concerns and, if not treated quickly, can be life-threatening. If you experience a sudden and very painful headache you should seek immediate medical attention. Some symptoms to keep a lookout for in combination of a sudden and severe headache include: Double vision Nausea and vomiting Stiff neck Sensitivity to light It is important to note that not all aneurysms develop into large aneurysms that burst. Usually, small aneurysms are seen in the brain or the aorta during diagnostic testing for other medical conditions. Screenings for aneurysms are recommended for individuals over the ages of 65, those who have a family history of aneurysms or high blood pressure, and people who have a history of smoking. If your healthcare provider finds a small aneurysm in your body during a screening, they can determine if preventive measures like surgery or prescribing some blood thinning medicine are needed. Aneurysms are abnormal bulges on artery walls that fill up with blood and can burst if they become large enough. While most small aneurysms do not cause any symptoms, large aneurysms and ruptured aneurysms can cause a series of health concerns. Symptoms depend on where the aneurysm is in your body. Aneurysms can cause many symptoms, including cause a sudden and severe headache, blurry vision, pain in the chest and abdomen, and seizures. In some cases, a burst aneurysm can cause a coma or death. Symptoms usually happen suddenly, therefore it is essential that you reach out to your healthcare provider immediately if you experience a combination of any of these symptoms. Screening for aneurysms for people over the age of 65 and those who have a family history of aneurysms is recommended to help catch aneurysms early and potentially take preventive measures, if needed.
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